Determination of the Biological Age - Using DNA-methylation changes for determining the biological age
Ref.-Nr. 3246
Keywords: age, biological, senescence, epigenetic, forensic, geriatic, lifestyle management
Biological age is influenced by parameters, such as genetic background, disease and lifestyle. Currently, the biological age can be assessed by measuring telomere length, DNA rearrangements or protein alterations. However, these methods lack precision and have practical limitations. Therefore, scientists of the University Hospital Aachen developed a new method using epigenetic modifications to track human aging. Based on the analysis of DNA-methylation (DNAm) profiles an Epigenetic-Aging-Signature has been evolved which only requires measurement of DNAm levels at six specific CpG sites. The DNAm can be assessed by locus specific pyro-sequencing analysis of bisulfate-converted DNA. This Aging-Signature allows an accurate and precise age-prediction with a deviation of less than five years.
- Epigenetic-Aging-Signature
- Suitable for: Forensic Analysis, Geriatric assessment, Lifestyle Management
- Cost effective and simple
- Precise: Less than five years deviation
Kommerzielle Anwendung
The present invention enables the simple, economic and precise determination of the biological age of a human being. This novel assay may be useful for forensic analysis. It could also be used for geriatric assessment to tailor therapeutic treatments of older patients. Furthermore, it may also help in lifestyle management to improve the odds of staying healthy. On behalf of the University Hospital Aachen, PROvendis offers access to rights for commercial use as well as the opportunity for further co-development.
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Eine Erfindung der RWTH Aachen.