IP utilization

How can I market my patent and expertise?

Would you like to benefit from the commercial potential of your technologies and intellectual property rights beyond personal use? We will help you identify and contact interested parties in Germany and abroad and support you in negotiations with licensees. We bring to bear our decades of experience in IP utilization and our established contacts and sales channels for optimal commercialization of your patent and expertise, providing the following:

  • Contacts to suitable companies for licensing or sale of intellectual property rights with a tailored technology offer exposé
  • Suitable marketing channels, including social media and other online channels
  • License model developments with conditions and monetary assessment
  • Negotiation and support for the transaction of licensing, purchasing, option, and expertise contracts, material transfer agreements, NDAs, R&D contracts, and cooperation agreements – in cooperation with patent and other lawyers as needed

Do you need support in monetizing your patent and expertise? Contact us!

Dr. Andreas Voigt

+49 208 9410540