Advanced diagnostics are indispensable for the detection and differentiation of diseases. PROvendis offers various biomarkers and test systems in many indications for licensing, to purchase or for development cooperation.
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Aptamer D3P-21
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men. In particular, hormone refractory prostate cancer is not curable and targeted therapies are yet not available.
Combinatory Asthma Endoytping Assay
Asthma is a disease of several subtypes characterized by different severity and a distinct immunological background. Most importantly, several subtypes of allergic asthma need to be correctly identified and distinguished from forms of non-allergic asthma.
Click-Mass Spectrometry of lipids
Aberrations in fatty acid metabolism are associated with pathological states and have become a focus of current research, particularly due to the interest in metabolic overload diseases.
Diagnosis of osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common degenerative disease of joints world-wide. About two-third of people over 65 years are affected, whereas the etiology is largely unclear.
Novel Markers for Male Fertility Diagnosis
Infertility affects an estimated 15 percent of couples globally, amounting to 48.5 million couples. Forty percent of cases are linked to men. An important factor of male infertility is an insufficient quality of sperms due to abnormal shape and/or motility.
A Novel Marker for Brown Fat Activity
Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is a special type of fat, which regulates the body temperature by fatty acid oxidation.
Druggable oncogenic fusions
Cancer patients frequently bear therapeutically relevant genome alteration. For instance, lung adenocarcinomas of patients that have never smoked carry genome alterations affecting kinases, such as EGFR mutations and translocations affecting ALK, ROS1 and RET genes.
Epigenetics in AML
DNA-methylation (DNAm) of CpG dinucleotides is a key epigenetic process. Upon cell division, the DNAm pattern is maintained on the newly synthesized DNA strand by DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1), whereas DNAm pattern changes are triggered by DNMT3A and DNMT3B that act as de novo methyltransferases.
Determination of the Biological Age
Biological age is influenced by parameters, such as genetic background, disease and lifestyle. Currently, the biological age can be assessed by measuring telomere length, DNA rearrangements or protein alterations.
Long-term culture associated changes need to be considered for quality control of cell preparations. The invention discloses a simple method to track cellular aging based on continuous DNA-methylation changes at six specific CpG sites.
Diabrux is a user-friendly and the first bite film validated in clinical studies for the standardised, quantitative diagnosis of sleep bruxism. Diabrux is worn by the patient like a night splint. The device is based on a hard plate, which is covered by five specifically linked layers with different colours and defined abrasion properties. A fully automated evaluation software is provided for standardized, objective, quantitative analysis. Diabrux facilitates monitoring of bruxism activity. Thus, personalized therapy planning is possible and cost-intensive treatments can be scheduled more accurately.
OCT scanners with better insights
The invention from the University of Bonn is based on a software-based method for determining the autofluorescence of the fundus of the eye using optical coherence tomography. By integrating the software, manufacturers of OCT scanners can both significantly expand the range of functions of their devices and reduce examination times.
Procedure for orienting X-ray units
A new technology from Heinrich Heine University based on machine learning (MI) allows X-ray equipment to be automatically adjusted to the respective patient, regardless of the patient's position angle.
ITIH3 - a biomarker for Myasthenia gravis activity
The invention aims at monitoring inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H3 (ITIH3) in the serum of Myasthenia gravis patients as the first biomarker for the assessment of MG disease activity in clinical routine, e.g. for therapy adjustments. Monitoring can easily be made by quantitative ELISA in routine blood collection. This approach provides objective results, excluding time-of-day dynamics and subjective symptom burden of patients or examiners.
Monitoring of hemophilia
The invention relates to PD1 as a biomarker for monitoring immune tolerance of coagulation factor VIII treatment of hemophilia A patients.
Chromosomal rearrangements in lung cancer
The invention allows to predict tumor responsiveness to FGFR inhibitor treatment, hence, it can serve as a diagnostic tool to guide personalized precision medicine in cancer treatment.
Faster MRI examinations
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an expensive diagnostic imaging examination. A new method developed by the University of Duisburg-Essen significantly shortens MRI examination times by synthetically generating STIR sequences without the otherwise time-consuming STIR scans.
Vim3 and Mxi-2 antibodies
The invention relates to Vimentin3 and Mxi-2 antibodies found for the non-invasive diagnosis of kidney tumors. These antibodies can make a clear differentiation of oncocytoma and RCC types and allow targeted therapeutic measurements.
Magnetic particles are often used to transport and/or separate biomolecules such as DNA or proteins. These particles have biochemically functionalized surfaces and are used as markers in analytical biotechnology and medical technology.
High-Redshift BODIPY Dyes
Fluorescent molecules are widely used in bioimaging and medicinal applications for several decades due to their high sensitivity and easy visibility.